November 28, 2023

Respected west coast speedway identity, Mitch Berliner has been appointed as the new Speedway Australia National Training Manager and Sport Development Officer for WA.

The 29-year-old qualified teacher is stepping away from his current role in primary education to start a newly created role that is designed to revamp and streamline the existing Speedway Australia training programs and establish pathways for officials and racers alike, while also handling the day-to-day duties of Sport Development on the West Coast.

“Working in the administration of speedway in a full-time capacity has always been a dream of mine, as I have basically lived and breathed speedway since I was four years old, so I can’t wait to get started!”

“My role with Speedway Australia will be to primarily work on improving the training available to upskill our junior competitors through the Kids to Grids experience and improve opportunities to upskill new and existing officials across the country. We know that without junior competitors we won’t have a future for the sport and without officials we won’t have people to run it, and I feel my knowledge and experience as a National Chief Steward, former junior competitor and qualified teacher will allow me to best create training that will be meaningful, beneficial and improve the sport in general.”

Despite his extensive travel history with officiating at tracks across Australia, Mitch can’t hide his parochialism, and is equally looking forward to being the Speedway Australia representative in his beloved home state of Western Australia.

“I’m really looking forward to building relationships with all the operators and teams running the 23 Speedway Australia affiliated venues in WA, so that we can continue to strengthen the sport across our vast state. I am a passionate West Australian and I will continue to officiate as a Chief Steward in selected events across the country to ensure I continue to improve my own ability, as staying up to date and ‘keeping my eye in’ is vitally important.”

Speedway Australia CEO Darren Tindal was thrilled to have Mitch join the team, crafting the role around his two passions of speedway and education.

“Mitch’s passion for the sport is infectious, and when the board and staff spent some time earlier this year strategizing for the future, we identified training as a major department that required a specialised skill set, and Mitch’s name was thrown in the ring immediately by all the staff as the perfect candidate. We can’t wait for him to start, as we know he going to raise the bar with our training programs and sport development in the west.”

Mitch will start the role January 8, with contact details to be published in the first Speedway Australia eNews for 2024.  

Posted: 28/11/2023