New! Steward & Scrutineer Card Rebates

As announced in our latest September newsletter, effective from October 1, Official licence holders who are issued a steward or scrutineer card will receive a $45 rebate!

Speedway Australia has created this new initiative in order to further support an area of the sport that is largely a volunteer base. Without volunteers our sport simply wouldn't exist, so it's fantastic to be able to reduce costs without any reduction in the complimentary insurance cover included.

This rebate will only apply to Official licence holders, not competitors or mechanics that double up as a steward or scrutineer. This will be reimbursed to your credit card once the process is complete, and effectively reduces the cost of a licence from $140 to $95 for a 12 month period.

For all other full licence holders, we can also advise that the cost of competition and mechanics licences will not increase for 2017/18 - the third year in a row at these prices.

To view the full Speedway Australia newsletter, view the following link:…/september-newsletter-speedway-australia

Posted: 6/10/2017