A new video has been launched by the peak body of Speedway racing in Australia, revealing an astounding economic impact on ninety-seven communities across the nation.
Speedway Australia released the two-minute video on the organisation’s Facebook page on Thursday night, with the motive of resourcing the sport’s 10,000 competitors, 97 venues and 250 clubs with the tools to exhibit the community impact of the sport to government, sponsors and stake holders.
Speedway Australia General Manager Darren Tindal was excited by the initiative and was looking forward to hearing how the resource advances the sport as it gets utilized on the ground.
“We’re determined to take Speedway to the next level, and these are the sorts of initiatives that put tools in the hands of our competitors, venues and clubs to assist them in establishing credibility when presenting partnership, development and funding opportunities to the market. We’re very proud of the growth in the sport over the last decade and are excited about the trajectory the sport is on into the next decade as well.”
The video can be viewed here.